Sacrifice. That's the word that comes to mind when I think about Veterans day. I think about the sacrifice of time away from family and the sacrifice of the family. I wonder if people who are not personally connected to a Veteran ever think about the sacrifice given for our freedom. One of my "go to" things to tell myself when I'm having a rough day is, "Well... you could be in __________" and fill in the blank with a country where I know they don't enjoy the freedom I do. And, that's because a Veteran has sacrificed their time and sometimes their life so I can do what I love in a country that I love.
I have family members who are Veterans. My uncles Bill, JD and Doc served our country during the Korean conflict. My cousins Brett and Bruce have served recently. I was very proud and humbled to see their pictures at our Veterans day assembly slideshow today. This past year four of my son's 29 classmates committed to serve in the military. That's a fairly high percentage. I am very grateful for the sacrifice that they and their families will make so that I can continue to enjoy my freedoms.
The CNN student newscast today focused on Veterans and the theme it focused on was "homecomings." It showed several Veterans returning home to surprise loved ones at things like class parties and graduations. My Freshman are a pretty rowdy crew, but the room was very quiet while we watched this newscast.
I learned something new today from the speaker at our assembly. He pointed out that the flag on the sleeve of his uniform may look like it is facing backward. It is put on that way on purpose, because that's the way it would look going into battle. American armed forces don't run from battle, they always push ahead.
May God Bless our Troops and their Families!