Thursday, December 17, 2015

Chill Out With a Good Book...

Our area of the world hasn't quite caught onto the fact that it's winter.  Two years ago we had already been out for a week of snow days.  This year I have yet to drag out my heavy coat.  I usually don't even wear a jacket most days.  So, I'm having a hard time getting behind my old go-to "Chill out with a good book."  

I have snowmen and snow-women decorating the library.  I usually do this because I don't feel like I have to rush back in to re-decorate after Christmas break.  This theme works for both December and January.  

Two of my favorite winter, "chilly" books are:

Over and Under the Snow by Kate Messner (link to book trailer), illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal

and, Sizing Up Winter by Lisann Flatt, illustrated by Ashley Barron.

These books provide wintertime scenes that are comforting and they also teach some facts about how animals adapt for winter.  Author Lisann Flatt has other books designed to teach about animals and the other seasons.  Here is a link to a bookseller with those books. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Fall Favorites for the Library

Today I visited my favorite store.  Shout out to Barnes and Noble!  Of course, I headed to the children's section to look for Fall books to read to the little ones in the library.  I have several. But, can you really have too many?  I took advantage of their sale to pick up two new books.  The first is Click, Clack, Boo!  A Tricky Treat by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin.  Can Farmer Brown muster the courage he needs to get through the holiday he hates the most? I'm looking forward to sharing this with the Kindergarten and First Grade.  

Another new book I purchased was Llama Llama Trick or Treat by Anna Dewdney.  I know the Preschool class will love this one.  

My most favorite, favorite Fall book of all time is Too Many Pumpkins by Linda White and Megan Lloyd.  Here is a link to that book being read aloud.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Saying Goodbye...

Saying Goodbye...

This past week I lost someone from my life.  My high school science teacher passed away suddenly from a heart attack.  I had seen him about a month before and had talked to him, briefly.  There are people who influence you, and push you, and are in the back of your mind when you are attempting to do something.  He was one of those people for me.  I have several memories of our time together.  One speaks to me almost daily.  In my senior yearbook he wrote "You have a bright future ahead of you, just push yourself a little."  He knew then that I can be a little lazy.  Even though I don't like to admit it, I sometimes don't quite finish as strong as I should.  I hope that I have taken your advice and that I have pushed myself a little over the years.  I know I can do more.  I have had the privilege of having many great teachers and working with many great teachers.  Bob Ed Angle was one of those BEST of the GREATS.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Learning Commons

A library is not just a place to house books.  We all know that.  But, what is the role of the library in the school climate?  Since I became a librarian I have heard the term "Learning Commons."  I kind of like that term.  The library is a place for students to come learn new things together.  It is a common space for students of all ages to congregate together for the sake of learning.  This year our library will change.  There is a space for students to sit comfortably.  There is a space for them to work at tables.  And, there is a space for them to create "stuff."  I'm still working on what my "makerspace" will look like and be like.  It is definitely a work in progress and that's okay.  

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Throughout all the Superbowl frenzy and the inevitable Sunday afternoon laundry, I was able to read a book this afternoon.  Kate Klise's book Homesick kept me needing to turn the page.  I was anxious to begin reading it because the setting of her book is not too far from where I live and it's always fun to read an author's interpretation of where you live.  I feel that she captures a small town in the Ozarks fairly accurately.  

The main character in the book, Benny, lives in a small town.  He faces challenges just like all young people face, in his case, the impending divorce of his parents.  His mother leaves him with his father to strike out on her own, promising to come get him when she gets settled.  His dad goes a little crazy and switches from being a collector to an all out hoarder.  This causes concern for the townspeople.  The plot that continues follows all those challenges that young people will face when this type of dishevelment strikes a family.  The ending to this book is realistic and really captures what this area faced during a specific, memorable time in it's history. 

This book is also a good read-aloud and I plan on beginning it this week with my 3rd through 5th grade classes.  I know they will enjoy it as much as I did!  

Saturday, January 3, 2015

"Bag Clean-out" Day

This morning I embarked on a ritual that takes place two times each year.  Once at the beginning of Fall Semester and once at the beginning of Spring Semester.  To what am I referring ... "bag clean-out."  Over the course of the semester I accumulate stuff.  Lots of Stuff!  This collections includes random magazines, books I have grabbed off the shelf from school, pictures that kids have colored for me and miscellaneous cute office supplies that I have picked up at random stores and put in my bag to take to school.  This morning I reduced the items from five bags down to two.  That's pretty good.  I have organized where things go.  Some books go back to school; some books go downstairs to the basement (they're mine).  Pictures from children get filed in my keepsake notebook and the odd office supplies get put in a gallon size baggie to take to school.  I always enjoy doing this because I find really neat stuff that I forgot I had.  It's like opening a gift that you weren't expecting.  Oh, and another benefit,  that corner of our bedroom is less cluttered, for a while anyway.

Happy Spring Semester!