This morning I embarked on a ritual that takes place two times each year. Once at the beginning of Fall Semester and once at the beginning of Spring Semester. To what am I referring ... "bag clean-out." Over the course of the semester I accumulate stuff. Lots of Stuff! This collections includes random magazines, books I have grabbed off the shelf from school, pictures that kids have colored for me and miscellaneous cute office supplies that I have picked up at random stores and put in my bag to take to school. This morning I reduced the items from five bags down to two. That's pretty good. I have organized where things go. Some books go back to school; some books go downstairs to the basement (they're mine). Pictures from children get filed in my keepsake notebook and the odd office supplies get put in a gallon size baggie to take to school. I always enjoy doing this because I find really neat stuff that I forgot I had. It's like opening a gift that you weren't expecting. Oh, and another benefit, that corner of our bedroom is less cluttered, for a while anyway.
Happy Spring Semester!