Thursday, December 17, 2015

Chill Out With a Good Book...

Our area of the world hasn't quite caught onto the fact that it's winter.  Two years ago we had already been out for a week of snow days.  This year I have yet to drag out my heavy coat.  I usually don't even wear a jacket most days.  So, I'm having a hard time getting behind my old go-to "Chill out with a good book."  

I have snowmen and snow-women decorating the library.  I usually do this because I don't feel like I have to rush back in to re-decorate after Christmas break.  This theme works for both December and January.  

Two of my favorite winter, "chilly" books are:

Over and Under the Snow by Kate Messner (link to book trailer), illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal

and, Sizing Up Winter by Lisann Flatt, illustrated by Ashley Barron.

These books provide wintertime scenes that are comforting and they also teach some facts about how animals adapt for winter.  Author Lisann Flatt has other books designed to teach about animals and the other seasons.  Here is a link to a bookseller with those books.