Saturday, May 11, 2019

End of the Year, New Direction

I am returning to the classroom next year after six years spent as our school's librarian.  I am very excited about this.  Next year will be my 26th year in teaching and most people might ask, why would you leave a job like the library where there is no grading and lots of open time not committed to a specific class?  It's not too hard to explain.  I really love teaching reading and writing.  I really miss making connections with students in a classroom on a daily basis and continuing conversations that began the day before.  So, 6,7,8 ELA classroom, here I come!  

I have already begun to plan for next year.  I've been reading and re-reading lots of books from my personal library.  A few are pictured here.  I have to get back from another teacher my copies of The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller,  Real Revision by Kate Messner and Book Love by Penny Kittle.  I definitely want to review those again.

I'm always looking for suggestions.  Please comment if you have any.