Some books are good reads. Some books make you laugh. And, some books touch your heart. This week I have finished two books that have done that. Tears in your eyes, trying to keep it together while your class is also reading, touch your heart kind of books.
The first book is The Boy in the Black Suit by Jason Reynolds. The story is tough. The main character loses his mom, his dad gets becomes injured. He basically has to get himself through his senior year. He doesn't feel sorry for himself, he just takes care of business. Through adversity he gains lifelong friendships and new experiences. When I finished reading this book, I immediately emailed the High School English teacher and recommended it for her modern novels class. Although, if I'm being honest... my goal is for everyone to have read it before they get to her.
The second book is Good Dog by Dan Gemeinhart. Oh. My. Goodness. This is one I started and put back last summer. That was a crazy thing to do because this book is amazing! Brodie, the dog, has to make some tough choices. The choices are at a sacrifice to him. But, it doesn't matter, he has to be sure his boy is ok. He gets some help along the way.
This is a book that some of our students will have lived through in real life. I hope not many. I book talked this with all my classes. One of my 8th grade girls picked it up. I want to read this book aloud... but i'm not sure I can without some help.
Two great books this week! I'm working on my goal of 100 in 2020.