Friday, August 5, 2022

Give me the next 10 words...


How can I effectively support teachers and students?  As I try to remember all the things that I have learned in leadership classes, university classes, and professional development experiences the answer usually comes down to conversations with educator's that I have connected with.  For the most part, I have served alongside very dedicated, value driven, patient and kind educators.   

One educator who always comes to mind is Susan Doty.  She was a social studies teacher  and we had some amazing conversations about school and life and politics and she could tell some great stories with that southern gravelly voice. These memories prompted me to begin  looking for online clips of The West Wing because each Monday morning, during the tenure of The West Wing television show, we would get together and hash through the Sunday night episode and how President Bartlett, played by Martin Sheen, managed to get his way and save the day.  

One montage I came across this evening was the "Top 10 Jedd Bartlett scenes" on YouTube. I began to watch through them and in one he is sparring with James Brolin's character, his opponent, in a presidential debate.  The opponent gives a fairly contrived answer to a question from the moderator and in response President Bartlett says, "Okay, give me the next 10 words."  That struck a chord with me.  We have the big idea, but what comes next?

So think about it; after each point below: what are the next 10 words?  

  • School leaders wear many hats. 
  • Schools shouldn't be measured by test scores.  
  • Student apathy stands in the way of greatness.  
  • Clear communication is necessary with parents to insure school success.  
  • Read 20 minutes each night.  
  • Rigor in lessons creates confidence. 

This is my goal 2022-2023:  master the details.   Last year I felt like I kept track of the big ideas, but I left out some details. Many times I didn't have the next 10 words.  Who knows, perhaps each bullet point above will be the title of a blog post with "the next 10 words" about the details, as I see them. 

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Leadership and Goals for Decision Making

I'm making my Sunday night rounds through the internet.  Tonight I have been revisiting articles and blog posts I have written.  It lets me hear my voice again and reflect on decisions that were made in the past and figure out new ideas for the future.  I encourage everyone to do that every so often. 

For me reflection leads to goal-setting.  My goal for the next school year is to do better at making connections to all stakeholders in our school community.  So that begs the reflection of what decisions did I make this past year that I should have included others in the process to get ideas and feedback.  I feel  accountable for what happens in my building.  Did that sometimes make me less likely to consider other's ideas?  

Here is a link to a blog post made on the NERDY Book Club blog a few years back, if you are so inclined to read... good stuff here:

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Half a year in...

I am half a year into a vocation that I have shied away from previously, school principal.  Today was a day, and there have been very few, when I thought to myself, "what were you thinking?"  It seemed like a million things did not go well.  There seemed to be tense moments with colleagues over interpretation of a school policy, my feelings were hurt by something silly that happened, and I second guessed a decision and didn't follow through with what I felt was the right thing to do.  Were these things uncomfortable? Yes!  Did I learn from these experiences? Yes! 

10 years ago I would have come home to begin looking at Pinterest boards fantasizing about a career change.  But, then 45 year-old Mrs. Brattin and now 55 year-old Mrs. Brattin are worlds apart in their ability to regroup and move forward.  

This evening I am reminding myself of my determination to make a difference, to have confidence in my decision making and to block out the noise of self-doubt.  Finally, I have decided that I should begin taking my own advice from the 5th grade leadership class that I have been facilitating this past month:  work within my circle of control, be confident and use any power I have for positivity.   

Tomorrow is a  snow day! The alarm is off!  Stay safe, stay warm.