Friday, December 15, 2017

What's in a number? Details!

Today was the last day of the first hour, fifth grade, journal writing goal attempt.   At the beginning of the second quarter we set a goal to write 25,000 words in eight weeks.  That's 25,000 words for 12 students for eight weeks.  The numbers worked out to around 300 words per student, per week.  I don't know if that is a high word count, or not, but it's what I came up with.  Always before I had approached student journal writing by saying just write about the topic.  I have never put a number qualifier on writing.  This was something new to me.   But, I decided to try it. By knowing that they had a number goal to meet, they spent more time trying to add details to add more words.  More details are a good thing. 

My ideas with this goal was to get students to write.  I haven't ever assigned a grade based on a word count.  I do look for quality over quantity.  I know what the research says about requiring a word amount.  However,  I just wanted them to write and maybe get lost in the details, literally.  I wanted them to have some incentive to write more.  I have learned that students do use excuses to not write, sometimes.  

I'm very proud to announce that they met and surpassed their goal.  They wrote almost 27,000 words!  We are celebrating next week!  

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Reading Lives

A few days ago my 6th grade library class talked about reading lives.  What does that look like?  Obviously, it's different for everyone.  Sometimes, we measure reading lives with how many books  read.  Sometimes,  we measure reading life by how consistently we read:  every day, once a week during silent reading time during library class or sporadically without anyone reminding us.

My reading life ebbs and flows with ups and downs.  I'm kind of in a standstill right now.  I'm hoping that it picks up over Christmas break.  It seems as though everything is crazy at this time of year.  I'm taking time to write this because I just can't not write.  My goal last year was to read more.  My goal this year is to blog more. I write every day.  I don't have many blog posts, but I write every day.  I journal with my students.  I follow the writing prompt just like they do.  I have to write something everyday.

A random fun thing happened yesterday.  A popular children's writer liked my Instagram post.  Yay! I like that we can connect with those who we respect and want to be like (a writer...)

A random fun thing happened today too.  A group of students came to the lab to write a three page paper assigned by their music teacher about the three songs that have influenced them the most.  They were struggling.  The writing teacher in me came out.  I couldn't help myself.  I guided them through finding ways to add information to their essays.  I felt so needed.  It was a good feeling!