Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Half a year in...

I am half a year into a vocation that I have shied away from previously, school principal.  Today was a day, and there have been very few, when I thought to myself, "what were you thinking?"  It seemed like a million things did not go well.  There seemed to be tense moments with colleagues over interpretation of a school policy, my feelings were hurt by something silly that happened, and I second guessed a decision and didn't follow through with what I felt was the right thing to do.  Were these things uncomfortable? Yes!  Did I learn from these experiences? Yes! 

10 years ago I would have come home to begin looking at Pinterest boards fantasizing about a career change.  But, then 45 year-old Mrs. Brattin and now 55 year-old Mrs. Brattin are worlds apart in their ability to regroup and move forward.  

This evening I am reminding myself of my determination to make a difference, to have confidence in my decision making and to block out the noise of self-doubt.  Finally, I have decided that I should begin taking my own advice from the 5th grade leadership class that I have been facilitating this past month:  work within my circle of control, be confident and use any power I have for positivity.   

Tomorrow is a  snow day! The alarm is off!  Stay safe, stay warm.